Bamboo Border Fence – Add an extra element of flavor

If your yard needs a little extra something, maybe all it’s missing is a bamboo border fence. Lengths of the pre-assembled border give an orderly, manicured look to yards and gardens, but they can also add an extra element of flavor when used in unique ways. Fortunately, the best border fencing is tailor made for functioning in distinctive ways. With a roll of the right bamboo border, all you have to supply is your imagination and the tin snips for cutting the necessary lengths.

A bamboo border fence is the logical choice for separating the grassy area of a yard from the tilled soil of a flower or vegetable garden, but you don’t have to be limited to a run-of-the-mill square or rectangular gardening plot. Instead of fencing off a corner of your yard, why not create a few different circular sections throughout the area? Because border fencing is assembled using wire made from galvanized steel, it is flexible and can encircle garden spots of practically any shape. Plant red and pink flora in a heart-shaped plot, and put lush, green foliage inside a four-leafed clover, both edged with an attractive bamboo border. Make diamonds, stars, or abstract shapes–whatever you desire to liven up an otherwise common yard.

Bamboo Border Fences for Indoor or Outdoor

A terrBamboo Border Fenceific feature of bamboo borders is that they can be used indoors, too. Attach a piece of border fencing along the bottom of a wall instead of baseboard for an especially nice touch in any room with a tropical theme. You can also use border fence around planters of all shapes, just cut a length of fencing to the proper size, wrap it around the planter, and secure it in place with wire or zip ties. You can even affix the border to a container that already has plant in it.

Come to the bamboo experts for all the bamboo and tropical building materials you’re looking for, including border fencing. We have it all at Forever Bamboo.

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